South Dakota's congressional delegation and governor are supporting sanctions against Russia and military aid to Ukraine while slamming Vladimir Putin's invasion and President Joe Biden's energy policy choices.
The cease-fire in eastern Ukraine is collapsing in a battle over a key transportation hub. The Ukranian government has withdrawn its forces after weeks of…
NewsSouth Dakota’s U.S. Senator Mike Rounds supports giving direct military aid to Ukraine in their battle against pro-Russian separatists.Rounds says the…
This weekend President Obama said the Russians were supplying heavy arms to separatists in Ukraine in violation of an agreement Russia signed with Ukraine…
NewsThe ongoing civil war in Ukraine is impacting some South Dakota companies that export to the Eastern Bloc. Each year the countries of Ukraine and Russia…
NewsIsrael and Hamas held a brief cease-fire on Thursday as fighting went into a tenth day. The two sides agreed to the pause following a request by the…
After two controversial self-rule referendums, separatists in eastern Ukraine proclaimed the birth of two new sovereign republics. The pro-Russian…
An experienced researcher and analyst, Retired U.S. Army Col. D. Lee Gabel's 27-year history in the Army put him into numerous international and military…
Residents of Ukraine's Crimea region went to the polls Sunday (3/16) to vote in a disputed referendum on whether to join Russia or become an effectively…
Joao Vale de Almeida, Ambassador of the European Union to the United States, visited Pierre Tuesday morning. It was one of a handful of stops Almeida is…