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  • Police in Sioux Falls want help solving a missing person case that’s more than four decades old. Authorities say Ellabeth Lodermeier vanished in the '70s…
  • News
    Attorney General Marty Jackley said yesterday that two Vermillion teens who went missing in the early 1970s died in a car crash. Pamela Jackson and Cheryl…
  • Karen Hall, environmental engineer and writer, grew up in Fargo and later attended the University of Washington in Seattle before finishing her education…
  • Historians Bill Markley and Jerry Bryant are hosting a presentation on the unsolved murder of Di Lee with a brief discussion on the archaelogical dig on…
  • C.M. Wendelboe is the author of the Spirit Road Mysteries series. Wendelboe entered the law enforcement profession when he was discharged from the Marines…
  • In her latest mystery, author Lori Armstrong's character Mercy Gunderson is back in "Merciless." A former Army sniper, Gunderson investigates a…
  • Black Hills Writers Group president Karen Hall's new book is "Through Dark Spaces," her second Hannah Morrison mystery. In "Through Dark Spaces," which…