We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. Jack Kolbeck, a Republican, is running for state senator in District 13 which includes parts of Lincoln, and Minnehaha Counties.
We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. Byron Callies, a Republican, is running for state representative in District 5 which covers the city of Watertown in Codington County.
We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. Vince Vidal, a Democrat, is running for state representative in District 33 which includes parts of Meade and Pennington Counties.
We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. Lynn Schneider, a Republican, is running for re-election as state representative in District 22 which includes Beadle, Spink and parts of Clark County.
We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. Ralph Lyon, a Republican, is running for state representative in District 28a which includes Corson, Dewey, Ziebach, and parts of Perkins County.
We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. Jay Williams, a Democrat, is running for state representative in District 18 which includes Yankton County.
We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. David Jones, a Republican, is running for state senator in District 27 which includes parts of Bennett, Jackson, Oglala Lakota, & Pennington Counties.
We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. Darla Drew, a Democrat, is running for state representative in District 34 which includes parts of Pennington County.
We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. Gary Leighton, a Democrat, is running for state representative in District 2 which includes parts of Minnehaha County.
We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. Amber Arlint, a Republican, is running for state representative in District 12 which includes parts of Lincoln & Minnehaha Counties.