We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. Reynold Nesiba, a Democrat, is running for re-election as state senator in District 15. That’s in central Sioux Falls.
We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. Kay Nikolas, a Democrat, is running for state senator in District 1. That includes the cities of Webster and Britton.
We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. Tyler Tordsen, a Republican, is running for state representative in District 14. That’s in southeast Sioux Falls.
We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. Larry Zikmund, a Republican, is running for re-election as state senator in District 14. That's in southeastern Sioux Falls.
We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. Helene Duhamel, a Republican, is running for re-election as state senator in District 32. That is in the heart of Rapid City.
We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. Sydney Davis, a Republican, is running for state senator in District 17. That's in southeastern South Dakota and includes the cities of Vermillion and North Sioux City.
We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. Matthew Tysdal, a Democrat, is running for state senator in District 14. That's in eastern Sioux Falls.
We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. Shane Milne, a Democrat, is running for state representative in District 22 in eastern South Dakota. District 22 includes the city of Huron.
We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. Michael Rohl, a Republican, is running for re-election as state senator in District 1 in northeastern South Dakota.
We meet the candidates for state house and senate for the 2022 election. Erin Royer, a Democrat, is running for state representative in District 12 which is in southern Sioux Falls.