Lawmakers in the House of Representatives passed the last major piece of this session’s education funding package. Tuesday afternoon they made changes and…
The Statehouse Podcast for March 7th, 2016 includes coverage of legislation on abortion, education, and confined animal feedlots.
House Bill 1157 has cleared the state legislature.The measure requires medical doctors to inform a woman who is undergoing a drug-induced abortion that…
The Statehouse Podcast for March 6th, 2016 includes a preview of some of the bills before lawmakers this final week of the session, including issues like…
Lawmakers have had lengthy battles this session over teacher pay, South Dakota’s funding formula, and a sales tax hike for education. Most of the money…
The Statehouse Podcast for March 2nd, 2016 includes coverage of legislation on abortion, education, vehicular homicide, elder abuse, CAFOs, and Medicaid…
The Statehouse Podcast for Match 1st, 2016 includes stories on the passage of education funding, and a veto of the transgender bathroom bill. Plus, news…
A half-penny sales tax increase is one signature away from becoming state law. House Bill 1182 is part of the governor’s plan to overhaul education…
A bill that requires students use school bathrooms that coincide with biological sex is not law. Governor Dennis Daugaard announced Tuesday he vetoed…
The Statehouse Podcast for February 29th, 2016 includes coverage of a delay in possible Medicaid expansion, education issues, CAFO zoning changes, and a…