On today's In the Moment...
It's International Women's Day, so guest host Jackie Hendry is shining a light on the women serving in the South Dakota Legislature.
Meet our all-female lineup of lawmakers here to discuss their legislative priorities this session. What were their goals coming into the session, what did they achieve and what's still left to do?
Senate Majority Whip Helene Duhamel, R-Rapid City, waded into a debate over water funding and access this year. As a law enforcement employee, she also brought some criminal justice bills to the Senate. We check in with her.
House Minority Whip Peri Pourior, D-Rapid City, discusses a recently defeated bill related to Indian child welfare. She talks about what the bill was meant to do and what happens next.
Appropriators Rep. Linda Duba, D-Sioux Falls, and Sen. Jean Hunhoff, R-Yankton, provide an update on the still-forming budget.
But first, SDPB's Lee Strubinger has his recap of the 2023 legislative session. He also looks at two big financial decisions that lawmakers still need to make.