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Live Coverage of Redistricting and Impeachment Sessions

Live coverage of special legislative sessions Nov. 8 & 9.

Legislative Redistricting Session

SDPB will provide live streamed coverage of the special session regarding legislative redistricting of the South Dakota Legislature Monday, Nov. 8, at 10am (9 MT). The livestream is available at SD.netand the SDnet app.

Ravnsborg Impeachment Session

SDPB will provide live coverage of the special session regarding the potential impeachment of South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg, Tuesday, Nov. 9 at 10am (9 MT). The session will be livestreamed on SDPB2/World will broadcast live coverage from the SD House of Representatives and SDPB3/Create will broadcast live coverage from the South Dakota Senate. 

Ravnsborg drove  the car that struck and killed pedestrian Joe Boever September 12, 2020 near Highmore, SD. State government investigators determined Boever was walking on the shoulder of US Highway 14. If the House agrees to formally move forward on impeachment, a simple majority of 36 representatives is required to impeach Ravnsborg, culminating in his suspension from office. The Senate would take up the trial and requires a two-thirds majority (24) to convict and permanently remove Ravnsborg from office. If the Senate does not convict, Ravnsborg could return to office.

House Leadership Calls for Ravnsborg Impeachment