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Rounds working to add Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling to Farm Bill

Sen. Mike Rounds said he is working to add Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling to the 2024 Farm Bill.

He is specifically calling to add labeling to beef products to help American cattle farmers and ranchers.

In 2015 the U.S. had labeling in legislation but repealed it after a dispute with Canada and Mexico.

The World Trade Organization ruled Canada and Mexico were allowed to impose over $1 billion in tariffs on United States products for the effect labeling was having on those countries.

Rounds said adding this into legislation would help protect American cattle producers from a “volatile market.”

Jackson Dircks is a Freeburg, Illinois, native. He is pursuing a degree in English, Journalism and Secondary Education at Augustana University and planning to graduate in May 2025. He plans to pursue a career in sports journalism.