Game, Fish and Parks officials are circulating a plan to reduce and relocate a campsite expansion proposal at Custer State Park.
The original proposal was a 176-campsite expansion in Barnes Canyon near the Wildlife Loop. The new proposal is for 80 campsites just south of Stockade Lake. No full-hookups for RVs are proposed.
Critics say the original proposal would encroach on elk habitat. Officials say the new plan would not interfere with elk migration in the park.
The new 50-acre site is near U.S. Highway 16A on the park’s west side.
Some private campground owners near the park have said they oppose the original plan, saying they don’t want more competition from the park.
The proposal has garnered significant public interest. Lawmakers say they’re receiving hundreds of emails about the expansion, and most of the emails oppose the original plan.
The bill is scheduled for a hearing on Tuesday.