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Lawmaker worries food tax ballot question could affect tobacco tax | June 26


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On today's update...

A top statehouse Republican is raising concern about a proposed ballot question to remove the state sales tax on food. If approved, one lawmaker worries it will also remove the state sales tax on tobacco.

State officials say severe flooding at McCook Lake in Union County was likely inevitable due to the amount of rainfall that hit the region. Floodwaters from the nearby Big Sioux River flowed into the lake, destroying many homes.

With historic flooding in East River leading to a state of emergency, families in numerous communities now must pick up the pieces. Governor Kristi Noem said the most severely affected families should stay tuned for assistance.

The company aiming to build a carbon sequestration pipeline network across the Midwest notched a victory after receiving approval in Iowa. The Iowa Utilities Board is granting Summit Carbon Solutions authority to build a hazardous liquid pipeline through the state.

And more.

Krystal is the local host of "All Things Considered."