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Judge rejects Koskan plea deal | Mar 14


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On today's update...

A circuit judge is rejecting a plea deal from failed state Senate candidate Joel Koskan, who is accused of child sexual abuse. The former district 26 Republican candidate pleaded not guilty to exposing a minor to sexual grooming behaviors, a class four felony.

South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley says three new attorneys are joining his office. Brown County State’s Attorney Ernest Thompson, Clay County State’s Attorney Alexis Tracey, and private lawyer Grant Flynn will serve as assistant attorneys general in two divisions.

A bill headed to the governor’s desk aims to boost South Dakota programs that provide adult day services. Supporters say it’s getting harder for families of those with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia to access this care.

A research center studying South Dakota’s substance use program, 24/7 Sobriety, has revealed successful numbers. Study author Dr. Bo Kilmer says between 2004 and 2011, DUI offenders who completed the program has a 50 percent lower chance of death within five years.

Three-quarters of farmers who apply for two types of Department of Agriculture conservation programs are denied funding. That’s according to a new report from the Institute of Agriculture and Trade Policy.

It’s been a whale of a winter and it’s still a week from officially ending. As a result, snowfall totals have already turned the heads of the state’s weather watchers.

And more.

Krystal is the local host of "All Things Considered."