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History 605: S4 Ep 4: "George McGovern: My Brother's Keeper and Progressive Christianity," with Mark Lempke

What inspired George McGovern's politics? Mark Lempke argues it was his religious faith. The son of a Methodist pastor in Mitchell, SD, McGovern served courageously in the Second World War, attended seminary and ultimately earned a PhD in History. Returning to Mitchell, he got involved in local and state politics and had a successful political career by any measure, being elected twice to the US House and three times to the US Senate. However, his 1972 presidential run proved historic for its margin of loss to Richard Nixon. While Lemke discusses all of these issues, the book's central theme is that McGovern's religious views inspired his political aims. I hope you enjoy the conversation and the book's insights about one of South Dakota's most interesting leaders.

For a copy of the book, see: My Brother's Keeper (
Mentioned in the podcast is The City of Hustle found here: