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Sections of South Dakota Remain Under Drought Conditions

University of Nebraska - Lincoln


Drought persists for some areas in South Dakota.  

Jeff Chapman with the National Weather Service says the latest U.S. Drought Monitor Map from the University of Nebraska is similar to last week's. 


"The drought monitor this week as of May 8th continues to show an area of moderate drought from portions of west central to north central South Dakota - but again, that area amount hasn't changed. And, we're still looking at some abnormally dry conditions extending along the northern border of South Dakota all the way to the far northeast."


Chapman says above normal precipitation is forecast for South Dakota through May. He says the drought monitor outlook predicts better conditions for west central and north central South Dakota. 


Drought conditions range from D1, abnormally dry, to D4, exceptional drought. The map indicates exceptional drought for Southwest Kansas and Southern Colorado, and an area of D2, or severe drought, in far northern North Dakota. 
