In The Moment ... May 4, 2017 Show 086 Hour 1
SDPB's Steve Zwemke sits down with Minneapolis indie band "Night Moves" ahead of their concert this week at Total Drag in Sioux Falls.
Downtown Sioux Falls will never be the same. Levitt at the Falls is an outdoor concert venue, with a projected opening date of 2019. Jennifer Kirby has been one of the driving forces behind the project. She joins us now to discuss music, grass-roots fundraising, and raising the bar on cultural offerings in South Dakota.

SDPB's Kevin Woster is with us with news from his blog, On the Other Hand. Today we take a look at South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley. We talk about what it means to run for governor and about going home again to focus as well as to gather support. You can find Kevin's blog at