Saturday's March for Science in Rapid City was part of an international Earth Day movement.
Scientists typically don't get involved in politics, but according to national news feeds, they're feeling threatened by proposed federal budget cuts to the EPA, NASA, and other science-based programs.
Some Rapid City signs referred to politics: "Science Trumps Opinion," "Science Is Not an Alternative Fact," "Save the EPA."
Other signs celebrated the potential of science, especially those carried by kids: "Science Is My Superpower," "Science Saves the World," "Bill Nye Is My Hero."
The march started at the School of Mines and Technology, although that institution did not sponsor it. And it ended at the Central States Fairgrounds, where speakers addressed the crowd and marchers could attend an Earth Day Expo a short distance away.
Not all marchers agreed with one another. Much of what environmentalists typically protest has been created by science. So the event threw together people marching on the same side of an issue who might not agree on all its details.
What they did agree on was this: the conversation needs to continue.
SDPB's Victoria Wicks walked with the marchers to get this report.