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In The Moment ... A Moment In Sound With Meriwether Raindelay

Lori Walsh
Meriwether Raindelay

In The Moment ... February 3, 2017 - Show 023, Hour 1

Football fans tend to get … ahem … attached to their teams, even if their teams are far from local. SDPB’s Steve Zwemke is a lifelong Atlanta Falcons fan. Former SDPB intern Travis Berg cheers for the New England Patriots. Together they provide a (mostly) friendly preview of Super Bowl 51.

  • This segment starts at beginning.

Hundreds of high school theater students have gathered in Aberdeen for the state one-act play competition, and many of them sang show tunes on the bus ride accross the state. SDPB’s Nate Wek joins us to talk about the energy on the stage, behind the scenes, and in the judging booth. Find photos of the actors on Twitter and Facebook.

  • This segment starts at 12:47.

Every artist leaves a legacy. Arts reporter Chynna Lockett brings you a tribute to artist Vic Runnels, a man known for working with Native American artists in schools.

  • This segment starts at 18:55.

We take a look at what's ahead for your weekend on our weekly arts calendar preview.

  • This segment starts at 23:47.

Plus, on this week’s Moment in Sound, live music from Sioux Falls singer/songwriter/musician Troy Manning, known on stage as Meriwether Raindelay. His self-titled album was released last spring and gives a taste of alt-country, folk, and alternative music.

  • This segments starts at 24:43.
Chris is a producer for In the Moment.