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Enhanced SD Pistol Permit = Conceal Carry In More States

Charles Michael Ray

South Dakota is about to offer a new permit that allows residents to conceal carry a handgun in more states.

Currently the conceal carry permit in South Dakota has reciprocity in about 30 states, the basic permit involves a criminal background check only.   

But the state is gearing up to offer an optional enhanced permit that requires fingerprinting and a handgun safety course.

If you want to legally hide and carry a handgun in your pocket, waistband, or purse you need to pick up a South Dakota conceal carry permit.   It involves a background check and a small fee at your local sheriff’s office.  But South Dakota’s permit doesn’t have reciprocity in some nearby states.  This new enhanced permit, approved by the state legislature, aims to change that.    

“So let me give you an example,” says Secretary of State Shantel Krebs.   “If you were to apply for and receive the enhanced conceal carry permit in South Dakota your permit would then be recognized in states like Minnesota or Nebraska  or sometimes you may even hear the comparison to Utah." 

Krebs says the new enhanced permit is more stringent, it requires fingerprinting and a background check.

“Beyond that is a handgun course must be passed. So, what it would be is the basic concept of the basic and responsible use of handguns, the use of force and self-defense and live fire training including the firing of at least 98 rounds of ammunition by the student,” says Krebs.

A handgun course must be passed. Sec Of State Shantel Krebs

Krebs says the optional enhanced permit may gain South Dakota residents reciprocity in four to five additional states depending on negotiations with each state.   This week those who want to teach the new handgun safety courses are undergoing training to become certified instructors.  Krebs says the enhanced permits should be offered as soon as the new classes can be scheduled

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