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Lower Brule Council Fails To Address Major Issues

Courtesy Lower Brule Sioux Tribe

The Lower Brule Sioux Tribal Council met yesterday for the first time since October of 2014. The gathering came as the direct result of a court order that required tribal leaders to work out their differences or be in contempt of court.

Those “differences” were caused by allegations brought by grass roots trial members against Mike Jandreau  – who’s been the Tribal Chairman for 30 years. Questions concerning mismanagement of federal funds and millions of dollars missing from the questionable purchase of a bankrupt Wall Street firm that later went belly-up are haunting Jandreau’s administration.

Credit Courtesy Kevin Wright
Lower Brule Sioux Vice-Chairman Kevin Wright

Newly-elected Lower Brule Sioux Vice-Chairman Kevin Wright is among those who aren’t happy with Jandreau or how the “required” council meeting went.

“We have shown respect,” comment Wright, “where…in my point of view…no respect was deserved.”

Mike Jandreau failed to include any of the issues questioning his conduct on the council meeting agenda…and only the tribal chairman can approve the agenda

Kevin Wright adds that neither he nor those he represents plan to limit their options for obtaining answers to their allegations of corruption within the Lower Brule Sioux tribal leadership.

Meanwhile, Lower Brule Sioux Tribal Chairman Mike Jandreau has dismissed the allegations against him.  

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