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SDPB Radio Coverage of the South Dakota Legislature. See all coverage and find links to audio and video streams live from the Capitol at

House Committee Revives Non-Meandering Water Debate

The debate on access to non-meandering waters continues, despite the Senate killing its version earlier this week. Representative Brock Greenfield says House Bill 1208 is meant to continue the conversation on the issue. He proposes a hoghouse amendment that takes language from failed Senate Bill 169. With the amendment, House Bill 1208 prohibits using motorized vehicles on an unnatural body of water within 660 feet of certain establishments. Greenfield says he appreciates the potential opponents of the bill working with him to draft an acceptable measure.

“Yesterday I recognized, as I said, the shortcomings of my bill as I drafted it. When I informed some of the folks I was looking at amending it thusly, they said, ‘Ok, here are a couple other thoughts,’” Greenfield says.
Members of the House Taxation committee say they are glad the legislature will continue working to find a solution to the year-long issue. House Bill 1208 now heads to the full House for debate.