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8 more deaths, 270 hospitalized with coronavirus

Note: The data presented is from the previous day — Tuesday updates include data from over the weekend (Saturday 1 pm CT - Monday 1 pm CT)

  • State’s death toll: 2,392(+8 from the previous report)
    • Note: 'Death toll' indicates the number of deaths among people with COVID, but COVID may not have been the sole cause of death.
    • Deaths verifiably caused by COVID: 2,103 (updated weekly)
  • Active cases: 7,688
  • Eligable South Dakotans fully vaccinated: 54.39% (+0.06%)
  • Vaccine boosters administered: 138,609
  • Currently hospitalized: 270 (+3)
    • Note: Currently Hospitalized numbers include COVID-19 cases and people that are in the hospital under transmission-based precautions. The number may include out-of-state cases and people.

The vaccination of children ages 5 to 11 against COVID-19 is well underway.
The FDA and CDC have given the OK for fully vaccinated Americans who are age 18 and older to receive a COVID-19 booster shot.

Click here to find a vaccine

The current advice from the CDC is to mask up indoors if you live in a place with "substantial" or "high" coronavirus transmission. That's everywhere in South Dakota.

Click here to learn more