Apr 23 Wednesday
You are invited to join us for "JAM!" Jesus And Me activities for the whole family!Dinner starts the evening at 5:30 PM, and at 6:00 PM, the kids start their KidRock activities. Adults are invited to Bible study.If you are interested in singing, our choir meets directly after the activities at 7:00 PM in our sanctuary.Please reach out if you have any questions! We look forward to "JAMming" with you!
Apr 30 Wednesday
May 07 Wednesday
May 20 Tuesday
A memory café is a social opportunity for caregivers along with their loved ones with memory loss to come together to enjoy camaraderie with others in a similar situation, without the common pressures of daily life with dementia. Please join us for a fun and engaging program with occasional entertainment. Resources and educational information available. No one needs to travel the dementia journey alone.
Jun 17 Tuesday
Jul 15 Tuesday
Aug 19 Tuesday
Sep 16 Tuesday
Oct 21 Tuesday
Nov 18 Tuesday