SDPB to air Native American programming during the month of October

This article comes from the October issue of SDPB Magazine. See past issues here.

First proposed in 1989 and then made law in 1990, South Dakota was the first state to rename Columbus Day to Native American Day or Indigenous Peoples’ Day. As a trusted source of information for the people, we want to make sure we are lending a hand in making sure there are plenty of resources available for education and ensuring all voices are heard. The second Monday of this month, October 10th, is Native American Day. Because of this and Native American Heritage Month following in November, we are offering programming to help those take time to reflect, recognize, and celebrate.

Mark your calendars for these tv and radio specials:

TV Programming:

Sousa on the Rez: Marching to the Beat of a Different Drum

This is a documentary that looks at the vibrant but little-known tradition of brass band music in Indian Country. The phrase “Native American music” may not suggest tubas and trumpets, but march music has been a part of Native culture for over a century.

This film profiles two contemporary Indian community bands: the Iroquois Indian Band of upstate New York and the Fort Mojave Tribal Band of Needles, California. The documentary traces the origins of these groups to their founding over a century ago and uncovers a secret history of the 20th century, when "all Indian bands" toured the US and abroad.

Running Time: 30 minutes

SDPB1: Friday, October 14, 9pm (8 MT)

Saksanica: Lakota and Dakota Traditional Woman’s Dress

Award-winning filmmaker Leya Hale traces the traditions underlying the dress-making culture of Lakota and Dakota communities in this new Pioneer PBS documentary. Tanner Peterson, a member of the Upper Sioux Community, is the videographer and production assistant.

Running Time: 27 Minutes

SDPB1: Friday, October 14, 9:30pm (8:30 MT)

Radio Programming:

Standing in Two Worlds: Native American College Diaries

SDPB Radio: Monday, October 10, (noon & 7pm CT)

Along with these shows, SDPB offers numerous resources that you can dig into and enjoy over the next couple of months. We hope that you enjoy this programming and can take away something from each one.

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