In The Moment … November 2, 2020 Show 933 Hour 2
Innovations change our lives and the time we live in. Think about little things like cake-mix-in-a-box or monumental transformations like cell phones and the Internet. It seems like regardless of whether the change is big or small, we tend to forget about what life was like before we had whatever convenience we now enjoy. Electricity on farms and ranches has been a given for decades but quite a few people in South Dakota can still remember doing without it... and some can clearly remember the day the lights came on.
SDPB's Brian Gevik joins us with today's "Images of the Past" segment.
If you'd like to share your own memories of rural electrification and what having a steady supply of electricity meant to you and your family, you can do it on SDPB's Facebook page. Just go to History
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