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Special Session To Discuss Medicaid Expansion Still An Option

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Members of the South Dakota Health Care Solutions Coalition continue to crunch the numbers to see if Medicaid expansion is feasible in South Dakota. Kim Malsam-Rysdon is the Secretary of the State Department of Health. She says Governor Dennis Daugaard continues to support a special session of the legislature if the plan is ready and if it makes sense to move forward before the regular session. She says officials are working on firming up commitments from providers.  

“I think we’re really pushing to have that next level of work done in the next six weeks,” Malsam-Rysdon says. “And then, you know, we’ll know more about the timing of, is a special session appropriate or not, is that realistic or not, or feasible, really not before then I don’t think.”
Five teams are working on implementing various pieces of federal policy. The coalition plans to meet again in mid June.