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"Coming Back With Wes Moore"

SDPB-TV airs "Coming Back with Wes Moore" for three consecutive Tuesdays beginning May 13 at 7:00 p.m. Central.  The three episodes series tells the story of Wes Moore's search for answers to some of the most difficult questions related to returning from war.  Moore's journey takes him into the personal lives of different soldiers as they attempt to reintegrate back into society, establish new identities and, for many, find a new mission.  Each episode focuses on a different stage of coming home.  Moore was a paratrooper and Captain in the United States Army.  He served a combat tour of duty in Afghanistan with the 1st Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division.  Moore was also a White House fellow to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.  Moore visited with Dakota Midday host Karl Gehrke about the series.